jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2016

The Periodic Table.


Which one of the following elements was not easily spotted by ancient cultures?
C- Bromine(Br).
Some discoveries take centuries ande some happen in a instant. Reseach a notable discovery in a field that most interest you and explain how it unfloded
The discovery the Henning Brand,the obtainig of phosphours.
What did Hennig Brand use to try to find gold?
A- he boiled is own urine .
It is said that some chemists were able to predict the existence of some elements that were not yet  discovered. How did  they do this ?
Through experiencies .
 What was the frist element to be "discovered"?
D- Phosphours.
Pick your favorite element. Explain the reasons it sits where it does on the periodic table.
my favorite element is hydrogen because reacts much.
 is ubicated an the frits place y group

Who is known as the father of chemistry?
B-Antonie Mendelev.
Which element reacts violently with water?
D-All of the above.

  • Complete the text. Use: boiled / body/ alchemist / German / gold /colour / burned / phosphorous
Hennig Brand was a -1-German -2-alchemist who lived in the 1600 (16 Hundreds). In the 17 Century alchemists wanted to extract -3-gold from the human -4- body He was sure urine had gold because of its -5- Burned He -6-boiled his own urine and finally -7- phosphorus the resulting paste at a high temperature. Smoke appeared and this paste burned violently . Brand had isolated -8-Colour from his urine. This was the first element that was isolated.

  • Answer

  1. Which were the elements in the “Greek Periodic Table”?
  2. Why was Antoine Lavoisier important character for Chemistry?
  3. How do we know him now?.

1- The elements in the Greek Periodic Table were : earth,water,air and fire.
2- Antonie Lavoisier was important because he said that an element it can not be divided by chemical means.
3-he is known as the father of chemistry

  • Complete these ideas with verbs in the Passive Voice. You may need present or past tenses. Explain why.
e.g. All elements were created in the Big Bang. (create)

  1. Elements _WERE__  __FROM_ and _REALESE_ into space by exploding stars. (form/release)
  2. These elements _WERE  _STUDIED_ by scientists during history. (study)
  3. The list of elements __WAS__  __FINDED__in the Periodic Table. (find)
  4. Elements like gold, silver and copper __WERE __  __DISCOVERY__ by ancient cultures. (discover)
  5. These elements _WERE__  _USE___ for jewelry and tools. (use)
  6. Gold, silver and copper _CAN_  _BE_ FOUND easily. (can/find)

  • Are these sentences TRUE or FALSE?

  1. For Lavoisier an element cannot be separated by chemical means/methods. _T__
  2. He made a short list of 2 or 3 elements. _F__
  3. He divided elements into gases or metals.__T_
  4. He created a complete periodic table. __F_

  • Complete the table with the scientists’ names. Put them in chronological order (according to the video. Copy the correct sentences.

Scientist’s name

His contribution to science.

Jhon Dalton

Wolfgang Döbereiner (B)-(H)

Dmitri Mendeleev

Hennig Brand (A)

Antoine Lavoisier
isolated the first element.
combined elements to see how they reacted to one another.
finally organized the set of elements in the periodic table.
organized elements according to their atomic weight.
defined what an element was.
predicted elements that had not been discovered yet.
weighed elements.
discovered shared properties and reactions.

Henning Brand isolated the frist element. Wolfgang Döbereiner combined elements to see how they reacted to one another. Dmitri Mendeleev finally organized the set of elements in the periodic table. Jhon Dalton organized elements according to their atomic weight. Antonie Lavoisier defined what an element was. Dimitri Mendeleev predicted elements that had not been discovered yet . Jhon Dalton weighed elements . Wolfgang Döbereiner discovered shared properties and reactions.

  • Make a list of the elements that appear on the video. Include at least 6 elements

